Thursday, 29 August 2019

My opinon on the best superhero

The best superheros are the ones with the best powers but I am here to say you dont need a cape or some sort of power to be a hero. There are people like mums who care about you and teachers, teachers are a big part in your life because they of your education. Your education is one of the most import and most needed thing for a better job or a better life.

The super heros I will be talking about is like batman or spiderman but I want to talk more about my superheroes. My superheroes are my mum and dad because they do anything to keep me happy and safe. They will protect if I was in danger because I am their child and they care about every single part about me.

If you are sick, Superman may be facing evil but my mum is worried about your safety, So while heros are facing evil mums are facing the flu because they are scared and worried about you. Most heros are looking after the city while mother's are looking after you.

And finally it is your school teachers that help you with your education so when you apply for a job, you would have a better chance of getting it. but not just jobs there are things like brains a handful of people love maths so the become mathmaticans and figuer out exstrmly hard qustions.

Over all my opinion is you don't need powers to be a hero so you can be a hero to anyone who is your superhero.? Thank you for reading my superhero writing!

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