Friday, 5 February 2021


What i know about the treaty is that the p’s one is participation. Which means to collaborate, there is also partnership witch means working together if its good or bad work together to fix it and then there was protection. Because the Maori only had there close hand combat so the british decided to declare protection over them for a little bit of land and as time passed on the land that the British owned got bigger and bigger.

The purpose of the treaty was to declare peace between both sides and make a deal that the British can live in New Zealand without any problems. But the Maori declared that the British could only live there under a few strict set of laws 

 the treaty of waiting was signed 1804. the reason for the treaty was peace between the English men and the Maori the British tried colonising the Maori but instead of war they declared peace and made the treaty of waiting. the Maori gave up land as a sigh of peace witch meant no war or violence. there were over 40 chefies,and 500 Maori's that sighed it including 13 women.