the best activity was by far ab sailing people will think it is just normal sailing that is what i thought but i guess i was wrong because it is a high up sort of like a building but the bad thing was i am super scared of heights i thought i was going to faint he told me to not look down he connected a rope like when they go jumping off high things and you bounce up so when he finished attaching it he just pushed me and i was falling but the i bounced up and landed safely
The scariest part of the hole trip would have to be when i went swimming i know what your thinking wow swimming with that scary well would you be scared if you saw a manta ray you must be thinking what is that? Well let me tell you imagine a stingray and then times the size by ten that is a manta ray luckily i was next to a platform but i was stuck in fair and all you see is the big manta ray swimming towards me and when i saw that i thought i was going to die but i was to fast cause you know one of the best.
The third idea is the best idea i know i said that with basically every idea but this one is when we made our own boats it was boy vs girls and we could not do it by our self so when we made it i think it was cause we when we tried to compete so it was like the girls need the boys strength and the boys need to girl intelligence.
Thank you to everyone who made my experience possible even tho most time i thought i was dead and also thank you to everyone reading this i hope you enjoyed reading my writing as much as i enjoyed writing it.the