Friday, 31 August 2018

what i fell like doing in the morning?

Every morning I wake up and feel like playing rugby, so I always wake my uncle up and tell him to take
me to the Panmure basin to lose some energy.  But that doesn't help, so I get ready for school, grab my
rugby ball and play some rugby before school every morning. When I play, I lose most of my energy. So
when I get to school  I am not as excited as I am in the morning. That is why I like Saturdays because I
play rugby against other clubs. So when I finish my game, I go with my day to watch the All blacks vs
the Wallabies. I like practising so I can make it into the back line maybe one maybe one day I will.Image result for rugby

What is 'Kua tae te wā' related to?

What is 'Kua tae te wā' related to?
In 2018, we'll be making the message loud and clear - It's time! Time to lead, teach and learn. It's Time is

our campaign for primary schools

Who does it affect? Most of the time, you'll want affect as a verb meaning to influence
something and effect for the something that was influenced. The difference between affect and
effect is so slippery that people have started using "impact" as a verb instead

What are people hoping to achieve?  I want to serve people within the power of administration. ...
I want to achieve this grand success before my grandparents and want to see and ..... I hope that my
wish to become financially independent becomes a reality and that I have the luck …

What your opinion on this matter?  Should there be a strike - why??

If Labour won't stand up for us, we'll have to do it ourselves. ... I will be taking strike action in defence
of my pension and the future of the fire service but also in defence of my rights as a proud public
sector ...

Tuesday, 14 August 2018

Kua tae te wā

It’s time for what I hear you say.   It’s time for teachers to have their say - to be heard.   
That’s right our teachers are banding together this month to grab the attention of our government
.  There are a number of things that our teachers are hoping to achieve by going on strike. I will
explain some of these things in the following paragraphs.  You might even be able to see how
you can be part of the action!

It is time for the teachers to be heard the teachers need more teaching time. Because they
are spending  most of their time doing reports. they also need to spend time with
student because they spend all there time on their device.  

There are some people that need additional needs. Because some people come from the island so they can not speak English that well so the teachers can't afford a English class so that is
what some schools need.

The teacher need more pay. That means that most of the schools finish at 3: o'clock but the
teachers spend 3-4 hours longer and do not get paid for that. They should get paid for doing
that 3-4 hour of extra work.

I want to share is how the teachers  work 3-4 hours extra and do not get paid the need to get paid for that.

I disagree with the strike teachers need to get paid for all of the extra hours and work on their
free time.

Friday, 10 August 2018

Ned show

It is a warm Monday morning, and out teachers said that we are going to have a someone  
perform my whole class was so excited when we got there he told us the his name was Cosmo
he told us that this is his first week in new Zealand.

He told us how he got invited to Kenya, he got invited by the principal it  was so interesting in my
opinion . Because they have one of the biggest animals I have ever heard of and the most
dangerous mountain cover in snow.

One of his ideas was to tell us that everyone has powers so then I said ‘’ huh’’  and then he said
you can help people on the inside with your smile. He also done magic to entertain all of the kids

Thank you to Ned and cosmo for coming to entertain us and help us learn about Africa and how
it is unique

Thursday, 2 August 2018

never give up

i learnt what never give up means but i really liked the book it was so cool because this kid was disabled because he only had one leg so the mum got him a dog missing a leg that bit i thought was sweet

Wednesday, 1 August 2018

fun holidays

Do you ever wonder how to make the school holidays fun. Well let me tell you there is a couple of things you can do. First let me tell you what I do. So both of my parents go to work so when they give me a list of  chores I do them before anything.

When i finish my chores i make breakfast for me and my siblings but sometimes they all leave to
my nans. So it will just be me and an adult to watch me but when i make breakfast i make so
much that when it is lunchtime i am not hungry  

Sometimes me and my siblings like to play on the PlayStation but we only have one control. So
we all have to take turns it has to go from youngest to oldest. I am unlucky because I am the
oldest but when we are not playing on the game you are watching a movie.

But sometimes it will be a hot day so we go outside and our neighbor is always outside. we
play touch rugby even ball rush and if we a really lucky our parents will take us to the pools or to
the beach.

Is when you are playing in the mud don't go inside and make the house dirty. When you
just clean the house you want to keep it that way but I always remember to play fair because that just
makes people angry.

So there you go that is how I always have a fun holiday but if you do have siblings you must
share. I would like to thank you for reading my post .oh my Mum and dad is back thank you and have fun and have an amazing holiday.