What is 'Kua tae te wā' related to?
In 2018, we'll be making the message loud and clear - It's time! Time to lead, teach and learn. It's Time is
our campaign for primary schools
Who does it affect? Most of the time, you'll want affect as a verb meaning to influence
something and effect for the something that was influenced. The difference between affect and
effect is so slippery that people have started using "impact" as a verb instead
What are people hoping to achieve? I want to serve people within the power of administration. ...
I want to achieve this grand success before my grandparents and want to see and ..... I hope that my
wish to become financially independent becomes a reality and that I have the luck …
What your opinion on this matter? Should there be a strike - why??
If Labour won't stand up for us, we'll have to do it ourselves. ... I will be taking strike action in defence
of my pension and the future of the fire service but also in defence of my rights as a proud public
sector ...