Have you ever been to kawau island? Well All year 6’s from Pt England School went There For Camp. It was the best Camp i've ever been to. We went to kawau island on tuesday morning. It was so tiring to wake up so early, but it was worth it. on Tuesday morning we were waiting for people to come in the hall. 2 minutes later they finally come, that means we get to leave on the bus.
We Put every thing we need on the bus and hopped on. Off we went. It was a 2 hour drive. hours to get to Mansion where the ferry stops. We waited for the ferry to come. Minutes later the ferry arrived. We hopped on and sat down on the seats . The sad thing was that I didn't get to go upstairs on the top view so i had to sit down stairs. We arrive at kawau island we see the beautiful beach. And the first night there me and Tevarihi, and Lorenzo. couldn't sleep so we just waited for the horn to wake us up.
The next day we had to wake up at 7.00. It was so early! When we got up we put on our shoes and assembled on the volleyball court. We learnt about the run and ran off and followed our teachers. It was so hard because we were running up hill so when we got to the top we had to run down hill.
On day three the last day it was so fun because everyone just played games and jumped off the pantune but this time the water was so deep no one can touch the ground so for our safety everyone in the water had to wear a life jacket. So when it came to my turn in the water me and my friends were swimming even when it was cold.
I would like to thank all the helpers for making this possible we couldn't of done it without u well until next time bye.